Friday, January 20, 2012

Pre Season Task #2

So yesterday was a busy day for me. I ducked into our nearest 'city' which is about an hour away, and went and visited the kids' old playgroup. I also had so many errands to run, which is really hard when you've got kids in the car sleeping :( I managed to get them done though, had lunch with my Mum AND had a stop at the farmer's market (YAY FRESH!!!!!) for our fruit and veg.

I'd completely forgotten that the second #12wbt task was out yesterday! It was all about combating the excuses that stop you from training/eating right.

So I finished my list(s) and gee there are soooooo many that pop up in my head!

Your Tasks

  1. List your excuses below, writing every possible one you can think of into all three categories. It’s excuses you’ve used before and that you are likely to use again.
  2. Write down solutions for each excuse. For example if ‘I’m unfit’ is one for your excuses, to overcome it you may write. ‘Remind myself that I can work at my own pace. I don’t need to train super hard every session. If I train consistently I will improve. Everyone has to start somewhere.’
  3. Print this sheet out, sticking your excuses somewhere you can refer to them regularly, so next time Jekyll and Hyde start that banter in your head, you have some practical ways to shut them down!


1. Can't be bothered
2. Too tired
3. I'm too fat
4. I'll look silly
5. I wont be able to finish.
6. My legs hurt.
7. I'm out of breath.
8. Everyone else is having ... (chocolate, cake, sweets, treats)
9. I'm sick
1. You wont get skinny sitting on the couch! You'll feel so much better once you do it!
2. But when you do the exercise remember how good you feel afterwards? It's a good tired... A worked hard tired! Go to bed earlier next time!
3. At the moment you are, but this exercise will help you to get skinny! Every bit counts~
4. Just as silly as everyone else! Enjoy! Have fun! Learn as you go!
5. You will! Just do it at your own pace. Rest when you have to.
6. Only for a little while. You'll build strength and this soreness disappears as soon as you finish! DO it! You're not going to die!!
7.  Only because you're working hard! Slow it down a little and work at a pace that's more comfortable! It's not a race!
8. That's their choice, not yours. You're working hard at losing this weight! If you eat this now... you'll have to walk up that hill an extra time!
9. Just take it easy. You'll feel better once youre done.

1. It's too hot/cold.
2. It's raining.
3. I have to go into town.
1. Just do it. Strip down/rug up.... do what you need to do to get out there! JFDI
2. Do something inside - Mish's DVD, or the crosstrainer. Do something! JFDI
3. Take your shoes/clothes with you and walk BEFORE whatever it is you have to do.

1. Neil's not home to look after the kids.
2. Kids sick.
3. Family dramas
1. You're probably aware of this prior. So plan your day. Do more cross-trainer or a dvd... Get moving!
2. Lots of cuddles... then palm them off to Neil so you can fit in some training wherever possible.
3. Just do what you HAVE to... Remember to look after yourself!

As you can see - the JFDI appears a lot.   It stands for "Just F%cking Do It" I've used that phrase a lot so far!

And it also looks like I've lost another kg since my weigh in, but I'll leave it until Wednesday to record on here officially!

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