Monday, April 16, 2012

Blogger Challenge #9: Support

Blogger Challenge Week 9: Support

Ok, maybe not this kind of support *grin*

Support is a fundamental part of any life changing event – including weight loss.  As you know by now, weight loss is a mind, body and soul journey, there are so many ways that you need support.
Unfortunately, some people can struggle as their partners/work colleagues/friends may not be supportive, or may sabotage your efforts – you have probably seen quite a few of these kinds of posts on the forums.
In saying this, having that support doesn’t make or break your weight loss success.  It’s true, it can be harder with saboteurs around.  What I really want to get out of this week’s question is acknowledging those that have supported you and most of all how have you supported yourself?

1. What would you tell yourself at the start of the program in support of yourself?

You are awesome and you can totally do this. You WILL be a runner. You WILL be able to stick to the program. You WILL look fabulous, very soon! You have rediscovered who you are and what is important to you. You are SO EFFING FABULOUS!

2. What would you tell those around you that may not have been that supportive?

It's obviously your problem, not mine. You don't realise how important this is to me and obviously you're setting me up to fail already. You don't have to eat the food or do the program with me, you just need to understand that I need to do it, for me, for my health and for my sanity. I've fortunately made a bunch of new friends on this journey who are all on the same journey. I don't need to be the 'fat friend' that makes you look (and feel) better when we go out. (And you can shove your unsupportive comments up your ... ahem... well you know).
3. Who would you like to thank for being there for you and helping you on your 12WBT journey so far?

The Hub - you've gone out of your way to make sure that I fit my workout in. You havent complained that your favourite meals are no longer on the menu for dinner. You don't mention that you would like to sleep in instead of getting up with the kids so I can do my SSS. You are amazing and I love you xxx

My kids - You know when Mummy is off to do her exercise. You are good kids for the one hour that you are in creche a week (mostly). And you have learned not to crawl all over me when I'm doing my stretches on the deck. <3

My parents - they've signed up to to track what they're eating and have lost 25kgs between them. They are so awesome!

My cyber-friends - those that I know through forums and that visit the blog. Thankyou for helping to keep me going! xx 

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