Saturday, April 14, 2012


Yesterday I got off my bum and finally did something. It was a whole week of sitting on my bum making excuses. It's a holiday weekend, my body is tired, I'm tired, a little break won't hurt, kids will get in the way, husband wasn't home early enough... they rolled in thick and fast. Excuses are the bane of a procrastinator's life.

So after my ripper 8 weeks of exercising like a madwoman, I took a break. The break was only supposed to last 2 days. HA! It lasted 7. I knew I was more than ready to break the break (?) and head to the gym for my boxercise session which I love.

I nearly didn't make it. I flaffed and farted around this morning and the kids and I were still in our PJs 20 minutes before we needed to leave (so that we would be 10 minutes early). I hurriedly got the kids and myself dressed, presentable and made it out the door only 5 mins late.

I realised that I'd forgotten my sneakers. WTH?? I hadn't used them for a week and had NO idea where they were. I'm not a neat person and there are shoes inside the house and out and only the ones I don't use regularly are in the designated shoe spot - the closet. So of course, my sneakers weren't there.

They also weren't in the bathroom, where they get deposited before my shower. They weren't in the kitchen where I take them off after a night run. They weren't in the car (where I remember having them last). Gee, this is starting to sound like a "Where's Spot" book.

They were under the kids' bed. OF COURSE THEY WERE. Anyway, this little jaunt around the house stole my minutes and I rocked up to class 10 minutes late. I hate being late.

Luckily the kids settled into the creche fine and I snuck into the class of only 4. Did my workout and came home again.

I'm buying a new pair of shoes as a reward at the end of this round on 12wbt. Maybe I should buy them now so I don't have to play Where's Spot?

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