Monday, April 30, 2012

Look at me!

My first post on this little blog was full of sadness. I read it back to myself now and I think, holy moly, I really didn't like the person I had become. I don't think I actually envisaged myself in the position that I'm in now.

The girls on my 12WBT South West Perth Crew facebook page were talking about their achievements through this round and it is astonishing how far we have come in only 12 little weeks.

So I thought in total self-centreness, I would tell you how fabulous I am *snort*

Fitness Achievements:
** I can run. A long way. This past weekend while we were in Perth enjoying a weekend with friends and family, I took a chance to run through my old neighbourhood. I'll take you on my run in another post! Anyway, I can run - over 5kms. And when I finish, I feel exhausted, but those exercise endorphins are amazing! I feel on top of the world! The sense of accomplishment is amazing!

**I am no longer out of breath as I climb stairs. Our hotel on the weekend was great. It even had lifts. But every time I went up to my room, I used the stairs. Even with Miss M in my arms. Sure, I get puffed by the 8th floor, but I don't feel like I'm dying!

**I can complete a whole fitness class. I might need to take a rest after the 25th tricep curl, but I complete it without feeling exhausted.

** I run on the treadmill. The treadmill used to scare me. At 106kg I used to thump on the treadmill thinking it was going to break underneath me. It never did, but boy did I feel like a heffalump! I still have a way to go to look amazingly fit on the old treddie, but I'm getting there!

**I can powerwalk up my bastard of a hill. I could probably even run the thing, but haven't tried. (Might make this a challenge for later this week!)

Weight achievements:
** I've lost 22.6kg. In 17 weeks. Far out.
** I'm no longer obese, but overweight according to my BMI.
** I've dropped 2 dress sizes. I was squeezing out of my Size 18s when I started on January 1. Now I fit comfortably in a size 14! (Clothes shopping on the weekend was so much fun!
** In 12 weeks I've lost 63cm from my body. *blink blink*

Mental achievements:
** I can fight my internal monster when it tells me that I've had enough (and win!)
** I can say no to that yummy piece of cake and not regret it. Now I just have to work out how to do it without offending the baker :(
**I am happier, more confident and definitely not afraid to try new things.

I'll do another post in a few weeks time with my goals for Round 2! There are some doooooozies!

1 comment:

  1. you.go.girl! so so proud of you. and it should be 'let me tell you about my achievements - puffs chest proudly, no snort allowed!!' xx
