Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blogger Challenge Week 10: Benefits

What are the benefits you have noticed in the way you look?
What haven't I noticed? My waist is smaller, my collarbones are sticking out, my boobs are smaller and saggier *sob*, my feet are thinner (I think I've dropped a half size in shoes!) I can sit in chairs without too much flab hanging over the sides (looking forward to being able to sit comfortably in aeroplane seats! My nails are stronger and my hair has more volume. And the biggest change? My calves! Since I've been wearing boots, I've never been able to fit a pair of boots in the calves. NEVER. I've had to shop online for boots with a wider allowance in the calves. I tried a pair of boots on in the shop the other day and I can fit them! WOOOO HOOO! Now to find a pair that I really like.
What are the benefits you have noticed in your mindset? What breakthroughs have you had along the way?
I KNOW I can do it. I KNOW that I can run for a long distance. I know when my body is puffed and tired, I can back off on the intensity instead of giving up. I trust in myself. I CAN say no to the piece of cake, maccas drive through, dessert etc. I know that I chave good days and bad days with my food and exercise, but I try not to beat myself up about it. I work harder the next day!
What are the benefits you have noticed in your fitness levels?
I can play with my kids without feeling like I need to sit down! I can walk up a light of stairs without puffing. I can walk up my hill without stopping. I can run! Oh my goodness - I can run! I can keep up with my husband's long strides without feeling out of breath. I can push both kids in the pram (a workout in itself!) for long distances. I ran a 5km fun run a few weeks ago. I never would have attempted that, let alone complete it!
And finally, what benefits have you noticed in your health? I haven't been sick since I've started this journey. Not a sniffle or a spew bug or a spot. My hayfever has improved. My blood pressure (which skyrocketed during both pregnancies) is normal. I don't know whether it's the clean, fresh air that has made a difference, or my new healthy lifestyle. Either way, 12wbt has done this!

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