Friday, April 20, 2012

Dinner out!

The hub and I dropped the kids at my parents' house last night so that we could go out for dinner. It was a win-win for everyone as my parents just adore their grandkids (even when both kids are stuffed up with a cold and cranky!). So we glammed up and went to dinner (fully paid for by the hub's work!) and I enjoyed every single minute of it.

I also felt entirely guilty about everything that went in my mouth. But considering that it was my first night out on the program I think I'm entitled to a treat night. I could have made MUCH better choices, but I didn't. I even had a glass of wine. It was all just fabulous! Menu for the evening:

Entree: The hub and I shared the entrees... Salt & Pepper Squid with sweet potato crisps (yum) and Chilli Prawns.

Main: Fettucine Gamberetti. This was such a bad choice. Cream, pasta, garlic, prawns... But ohhh so yummy. I'm sure there were 1200 calories just in this meal. I only ate half of it. So full.

We were going to have dessert too, but I was so full and I really didn't want to pour even more calories into my mouth than I already had.

frog belly
Frog Belly: Sauvignon Blanc Semillon (Margaret River)

Speaking of pouring calories in... This wine. Oh my goodness. So YUMMY! I haven't had a glass of wine in over 2 years (pregnancy and breastfeeding then a health kick kinda puts you in an alcohol-free zone). I stopped at one. But I could have easily had a whole bottle!

The next time I'm in Margs I'm buying a case of these. Or 4.

To make the best of a kid-free night we also went to the movies. A 'proper' dinner date! And it was the first time in I don't know how many years that neither of us had a bag of MnMs or skittles or the like. I used to eat a whole huge bag nearly during the ads before the movie! Talk about binging! I didn't miss the mindless eating.

And then home again to my parents house (after midnight!) for the kids to wake us up at 5.15am. *sigh* so tired!  I only wish my panda eyes looked this cute:


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