Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Stiff and sore and OWWW!

I'm still sore from the fun run. I knew I would have some DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), but I didn't realise that the little muscle behind my knee that was aggravating me during my run would now be protesting... loudly!

I've limped and hobbled around all of yesterday and I'm blaming the soreness for the lack of housework done yesterday! So instead of wallowing today, I took myself off to the gym to shake my routine up a bit! I needed to get out of the house as the outdoor workouts are just not motivating me at the moment.

The trainer today was awesome! She had an amazing circuit set up and she had time to come around to all of us and correct technique, offer advice and be our general kick-up-the-butt! We even had a stair-run half way through which sent my heartrate sky rocketing!

But the twinge in my knee/butt let me know that it was not pleased to be out and about. Crap. It's really sore now! I'm just stretching it and trying to keep it warm to see if it will heal on it's own.

I've ordered that dress from the UK for the finale in a size 14, so am re-committing to losing this weight! Finale is in 4 weeks and am hoping to lost another 4kg by then - totally doable with my track record! I am desperate not to have to shop for another dress in a couple of weeks because this one doesn't fit/suit. But this soreness is putting a rather big downer on those hopes!

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