Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Blogger Challenge #6: Adjustments

Blogger Challenge Week 6: Adjustments 

We are now halfway through the program! Wow!! Hasn’t it gone quickly??
1. What adjustments have you had to make to your exercise regime over the last 6 weeks? ie Have you upped your training? (Added more weights or can run faster/harder, etc)  Or have you gone up to a new fitness level in the 12WBT?
Fortunately for me, Mish's exercise programs have been increasing in complexity over the last 6 weeks. She seems to push my boundaries every Monday, and I question myself - can I really do that? But I do - every time. I can run 25 minutes without stopping at a steady (slow) pace! I CAN do interval sprints even though my legs are jelly and my lungs are bursting. She is continually challenging my perception of my abilities and that is what makes this programme so great!
2. What have you changed in regards to your food intake? ie Do you follow Mish’s plan to the letter? Have you had to alter it due to dietary/family needs? 
I have to admit - I'm not following her food programs precisely. Dinner, yes. This was my chance to eat big and naughty in years gone by. Now I eat her meals and I'm not full to bursting, but I'm content. And knowing that I've eaten more vegies in one meal that I would have eaten over a week - yum! But I've found it's easier to do my own thing for breakfast (eggs on toast for most mornings) as I'm not an adventurous brekkie eater. Lunch I tend to have leftovers from dinner the night before. As I make our meals for 4 (full serve for the hub and I, and half serve for the kiddies) there tends to be one meal left over.
3. What is the difference in your mindset?  ie Are you more confident? Are you happier within yourself? Do you still struggle to get out that door for your workout?
Oh wow! Where do I start? I'm more assertive. Don't let people walk all over me (as much). I find I'm able to be in social situations where I don't know people and feel like I can carry a conversation. I am DEFINITELY happier. 1000% happier. It's amazing the difference a little bit of exercise and weight loss makes. (I also attribute this lighter feeling to getting away from the kids/hub/people for an hour a day!)
I still have days where I don't feel like exercising. I keep repeating my mantra "I'm not going to get skinny sitting on the couch" and that generally gets me out there. I want to keep losing weight and I want to get fitter and healthier for my family's sake.
The change in my mindset has been the biggest development over the last 7 weeks. I'm a different person. The hub is often commenting how much better it is coming home from work every day. Kids and I are both happy! (I didn't realise how bad it had got!)

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