Sunday, March 25, 2012

I've deserved it!

Sunday, oh how my body loves you! It's rest day! And I have really deserved it this week. My body feels sore and tired and I'm looking forward to not doing any exercise today. I'm going to try and get my house in order. It's an absolute mess. I could use the fact that I'm busier than I used to be, but in all honesty it's because I can't be bothered...

Terrible! On my left I have 5 (omg five??? did they multiply overnight?) washing baskets filled with washing. In front of my I can see the kitchen with last night's dinner dishes still on the bench. And to my left the kids have demolished their toy box and decided that it looks much better sprawled on the floor of the living room. And it's only 8am!

Hmmm... OR I could sit here and surf the internet. Hehehehe... decisions, decisions! Might as well bite the bullet and get the kids dressed. That way they can go out on the deck while I clean this pigsty!

Tomorrow we're trekking into town to do our shopping. I love the farmer's market!! We're heading out VERY early so that I can hopefully time the kids' naps for the car trip home. Otherwise they are super feral at the shops. And THAT makes an enjoyable outing turn into a nightmare.

Ok off to lose myself in mountains of folding. Why do we have to put washing away? I love sorting, washing and hanging it out, but putting it away? Ugh.

Who said this was a 'rest day'?


  1. Don't you just love the life of a mother!

  2. Oh it's a fun one! My house was clean for all of 30 minutes :/
