Friday, March 2, 2012


I am suffering from sleep deprivation. It's a pain in the bum and mostly it's of my own making. This week the kids have both had colds. One after the other. So Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were tough nights. We eventually brought the kids back to bed with us at various stages of the early morning(yay for king size!) and we had a relatively good sleep (unless you count the feet and knees in the back or stomach!)

And then those nights have slowly snowballed. I'm reading a good series of books that are demanding me to lay awake reading until well past 10pm. I'm tired, and it's all my own fault.

My head tried making so many excuses today about why I shouldnt go to the gym. I pulled a JFDI card* on myself and packed the kids and I into the car in 20 minutes.** Once I was there, I pushed myself like you would not believe.


Warm Up on treadmill - 10mins: 2min run/1min walk
Boxercise with 3 five minute cardio sessions

I killed it. 899 cals! In 1hr 18mins including warmup and stretch. Felt soooo good! I'm so glad that I JFDI!

*Just Fricken Do It
**This is an amazing feat for a mum of small children who prior to this were all in their pjs!

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