Monday, March 5, 2012

A sad day...

I had to take my wedding/engagement/eternity rings off today. So sad. Taken off because I have lost weight and they no longer fit!


Strangely enough, I still weigh more than I did at my wedding (89kg) but the rings are falling off my fingers. I must be carrying more weight around my middle than I was back then :/

I feel naked without them.. Totally bare. My husband doesnt wear his wedding band (work won't let him, and he'd just trash it anyway... no trust issues here people - keep walking by) so he doesn't understand what the big deal about not wearing mine is. I've worn them now for 5.5 years without taking them off except for a polish and clean once a year. So right now I'm pretending they're at the jewellers, even though I know they're tucked into a safe place at home.


Today is a public holiday (Labour Day) in WA... So the hub got the kids' breakfasts this morning so I could get out for an early run. Completed my exercise before 8am! Feeling awesome! What a great start to the day. Hope you're enjoying a fabulous start to the day too!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can wear them on a necklace until you reach your goal weight and haev them resized? Would be so hard not to be wearing them!
    Congratulations though :-) If you rings are falling off you must be really dropping the weight :-)
