Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blogger Challenge #7: Motivation

Generally around this time, people tend to lose some enthusiasm... It's just one of those strange things that seems to occur at the same time each round.

So, how about a little pep-me-up?

This week I want you to
paint me a picture - Why did you join the 12WBT?  What has been your biggest achievement to date? What have you struggled with? How can you overcome these issues? 

Oh boy... what perfect timing for me, as my motivation has been slipping!

I joined the 12wbt because a friend of mine from my uni days had lost some weight and looked amazing. She still had some to go, but she was upbeat, motivated and just fabulous. We were slim little skinny-minnies around the 65kg when we lived together in the late 90s. Last year, we were both 40+kg above this weight. Wow 40kgs in 10 years. So depressing.

Anyways, she inspired me to join up (I was looking for something that would kick start my motivation that I could do out in the sticks without a gym and Michelle Bridges' program looked like it suited me to a tee. And it does. *insert happy dance here*

To date, I think my biggest achievement is the weight loss. There are added bonuses to this: I have the energy to run around with the kids instead of sitting on my butt, I have the willpower to not eat crap food all day every day, I can run 4kms without stopping...

The struggles are starting to come in thick and fast now though :( My snacks have gone downhill (we eat two snacks per day that are approx 150cal each). I eat the 150cal, but it's crap food that I have in the house for the kids. Little teddies, ANZAC biscuits that I made for the hub's work lunchbox, muffins. Processed stuff that Mish told us we needed to get rid off at the start of the program. Silly me thought that I would be strong enough. I'm so not. Not even close. (Who am I to question someone that has made their living about improving others' lives?)

So my affirmation to the internet world is that starting now (I was going to say tomorrow, but why wait?) my snacks will be nutritious and non-processed. I'll let you know how I do next Sunday.

Want to join in Nutritiously Yours' Blogger Challenge? Click here.


  1. Go Marnie!!!

    Good on you for owning up to it and making yourself accountable!

  2. Marnie, good on you! I loved your sentence about now being able to not eat crap food all day long. Sometimes we beat ourselves up for not being perfect, (eg eating tiny teddies instead of something more nutritious) but you are still eating less than you used to, you have identified that snacks are a bit tricky for you and you have a plan to do something about it. So I say, go you, you are doing a great job!
