Saturday, February 25, 2012

10 questions as part of the 12wbt blogging challenge. I'm two weeks behind, but will hopefully participate once a week.

    Tell us a little bit about yourself.  What makes you, you? 
I am a SAHM of two kids (a boy, H, 2.5 and a girl, M, 1). My hubby, kids and I live on a farm with the nearest town 37kms away. We moved out here in late October 2011 with a view to eventually build our dream home here. I am on maternity leave from my 'real job', a Primary Teacher at the local school,  but am hoping to go back to work next year (at least part-time). This blog is an outlet for me, a way to clear my mind of all the 12wbt things running through it. I'd drive my husband batty if I spewed this amount of info at him!

    Why did you decide to do the 12WBT? 
I had seen a photo of a friend of mine from my uni days on Faceplant last year looking fabulous! She had just finished Round 3 from last year and lost 15ish kgs. I needed the 12wbt as a spur. Something to light a fire under my butt to do something. And boy has it done that!

    What are you hoping to achieve through the program?  
Weight loss... And lots of it! Hehehehehe... More of an idea about portion sizes and good nutrition. I think I could handle the exercise side of things on my own, but nutrition is where I have always fallen down.

    Why have you decided to blog about the 12WBT? 
To make myself accountable. To make myself not fall by the wayside. To also remember where I have been and where I am going. I wouldn't mind somebody reading my ramblings once in a while, but I'm not out for blogging attention/fame.

    What will be the main focus (eg, food, exercise, a bit of everything?)
ME! It will generally be about my mental, physical well-being and progress over the 12 weeks. Mostly the exercise side of things is easier to document without breaking any of the program rules, so I'll be sticking to that.

    How will you be exercising this round? Gym, home, outdoors or a mixture? 
A mixture. I have 1 (or 2) gym class(es) a week, 3 outdoors sessions and 1 home dvd session.

    What is your greatest strength that will help you? 
Commitment. I dont like to give up!

     What are you afraid of? 
Failure. Isn't everyone? Not seeing the numbers on the scale going down. Not following 100% So many things!

    What are you looking forward to the most over the next 12 weeks? 

Feeling fitter, looking better, shopping for size 14-16 instead of 18-20!

    What is your downfall? Food? Exercise? How will you overcome this? 
FOOD. Definitely. Hands down. I am a big snacker. Generally all good foods, but I graze all day. My mindset during exercise is something I battle every single day. "I'm too tired" is the main one.

     If you had to pick one word to motivate you over the next 12 weeks, what would you choose?

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