Sunday, February 12, 2012

Red Flag Days!

When I heard about red flag days (parties, get togethers, 'bad' days etc) I thought that the only thing that would effect me would be the playgroup morning teas (I'm not a social butterfly!). I was totally wrong.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the 12WBT and I already have two red flag days next week. Thursday and Friday! Eeeep! I have 2 days where I'm going to be away from home, dealing with sad emotions, whilst trying to fit in exercise and eating clean. I have NO idea how I'm going about it, but I'm starting to break it down and plan now.

Exercise: Walk/run at a park. Use google maps and get out there. I will either be sans children or the hubby will be there to look after the kids. So exercise should be fine.

Food: Take lots of snacks that don't need a fridge. Sultanas, Muesli bars, vitawheats+vegemite and as a last resort, suck down the green tea like it's going out of fashion. STAY AWAY FROM FAST FOOD! That's the basic plan. Not sure how it's going to go down, but I'm hoping I'll be able to come through this relatively unscathed.

Emotions: Don't eat them - simple! Drink water... all day...

Anyone have hints or tips to share?

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