Friday, February 24, 2012

Owning up to it...

So I didnt end up doing anything yesterday. Instead I ate 2 squares of lindt chocolate that I really didnt want or need. I think my body was telling me it needed a break and to punish myself for not exercising I also didnt make smart choices.

So today I woke up with a renewed sense of "I can do this!" and went to my gym class and smashed out more calories than I've ever done in that class. Normally I burn about 700 cals (which is still really good!) and my highest I think was 736. Today I reached 841!!! I really pushed it. I've got a blister and a bit of a sore shoulder to prove it, but I feel great.

Can't wait to do Michelle's SSS tomorrow. (Normally I would treat Friday as my SSS and rest tomorrow, but I feel like I need to do something tomorrow.) I hope it doesn't kill me like last week's effort!

How was your day?

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