Sunday, February 5, 2012

It felt so strange...

...Not to go for a walk yesterday. Yesterday was my rest day and it just felt like there was something missing.

Instead I focussed on the food side of things. I've worked out that I actually need to plan my meals BEFORE I eat them. Otherwise I get to the end of the day and I've got too few or too many calories left to eat for dinner. So yesterday after lunch, I planned my dinner, entered it into my fitness pal, and was 8 cals shy of the 1200 magic number. Felt so good! I've always been 100-200 over or under, so to have it there shows I need to make the good decisions BEFORE I eat.

So this week, I'm planning my menu in advance (some new from Michelle's Bridges' cookbooks and the Bikini Cookbook) and some staples (bbq+salad, spag bog etc).

I'm set and ready to go.

I also broached the topic of sliding another workout at the gym to my husband last night, and he was surprisingly supportive! Awesome! (I say surprisingly because we're saving to build our home and I'm not working at the moment.) I really do have a very supportive hubby, despite the fact that he can't see any visible differences in me yet! LOL

Back to it today! One one more week of pre-season and then we're starting! So excited!

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